7 tips from successful entrepreneurs to stay motivated.

Check out my YouTube video:  Self Motivation tips

1. They know what they are meant to do in life.

Choose a destiny, then. Define your purpose. Chart your course. Once you answer the why, you will have unlocked the first door on the path to constant motivation.


2. They know what they’re supposed to do each day.

If you have several big rocks staring you in the face each week, then your goal each day is to chip away at them. Knowing that they are there and knowing you must conquer them creates a sense of motivation that won’t quit all day long.


3. They prepare mentally for each day.

-Music is going to be the quickest way to snap your mind into a powerful state.
-On your phone you can create an album of the things you want in life.
-I look at my goals that are next to my bed straight away.
-Plenty of great motivational material is on YouTube.


4. They refuse to rely on self-discipline alone.

Self-discipline, moreover, is limited. Benjamin Franklin was famous for his pursuit of moral perfection. At the conclusion of his perfection experiment, he wrote this: “I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, but fell far short of it.”

5. They are the authors of their own rule book.

Another way of saying this is that self-motivated people set their own standards. And, invariably, these standards are high:

High standards can be hard to maintain. Yet they produce massive amounts of motivation, which in turn helps to fuel high achievement.

6. They develop insane goals.

The science of setting goals basically says that the simple act of creating the goal helps to drive the accomplishment.

7. They never lose sight of the goal.

Every day. Stuck on the mirror. Dinging on your phone. Taped to your computer. Hanging on the wall. Running through your mind. Everywhere. Always.

Keep your goals at the forefront of your mind, and you’ll never lose motivation.




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